Friday, 11 April 2025 | 19:00 - 23:00
Amara Hotel Limassol
Join us in inaugurating the 2025 ART.Cy Conference and Exhibition at our ART PARTY! This event takes place in the Amara Hotel and offers a unique networking opportunity as well as the chance to relax to some great music in a unique setting.
Participation is limited to 200 people: sponsors, exhibitors and VIP ticket holders are included automatically in the invitation list.
Cost of participation is € 85.00 + VAT per person.
The 2025 Art Awards will be given at the party.
Entertainment will be provided by Leonid Nesterov as well as other musicians.
We seek one or more sponsors for this unique event. Sponsorship aligns your brand with the ART.Cy concept and this unique event, featuring a party and art, will be one of the social events of the year in Limassol.